Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast 62 - How important is BEAUTY?

Dan & Suzie Potter . . . DUZIE Season 1 Episode 62

Just Live Podcast 62 - How important is BEAUTY?
by Dan & Suzie Potter

They say BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder, but BEAUTY is adorable whether we are looking at it or not.

This week as we traveled through some of the most barren land in America, we couldn't help seeing all the inspiring BEAUTY. We deeply appreciate the beauty of nature and can clearly see God's hand in making all things BEAUTIFUL in its own time. BEAUTY always seems to show the creators great detail and love for all he has created.

We noticed that BEAUTY also gives us life. When we walk among the trees, scan the distant mountain ranges, or observe the deer watching you from the roadside. We realize that we are surrounded by BEAUTY and we just need to stop and notice. We must take time to behold all the BEAUTY, because if God cared enough to make all that, how much more does he care for us.

To live, Just Live, we must notice our surroundings and be thankful for all that lifts our souls to divine spaces, to places where BEAUTY is screaming . . . look at me, look at me! 

Thank you
for taking time to think about BEAUTY.

To watch this Just Live Podcast on video go to the DUZIE POTTER YouTube channel

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Dan & Suzie Potter