Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast 57 - Living a LIFE of LEGACY

Dan & Suzie Potter . . . DUZIE Season 1 Episode 57

Just Live Podcast 57 - Living a LIFE of LEGACY
By Dan & Suzie Potter

Living a life of legacy refers to the idea of making choices and taking actions that will leave a positive and lasting life impact on the world and the people around you. It's about focusing on the things you want to leave behind, especially in people, but could be the contributions you've made or the positive changes you've brought about, even after you're gone.

Ultimately, living a life of legacy is a deeply personal journey. It's about consciously choosing to make a positive impact, whether big or small, and leaving the world better than you found it. It's also about how you are remembered by those whose lives you touch, as your legacy is not solely defined by your actions but also by their perception of you and the impact you had on them.

The truth is living a life of legacy is not about someday, but about today. How are you focusing on the thinks that really matter?

Thank you for taking time to think about your LEGACY

To watch this Just Live Podcast on video go to the DUZIE POTTER YouTube channel

To find out more about our how to find and live your LEGACY please contact  us at DUZIE.com or by email: connect@duzie.com

Thank you for INTENTIONALLY CONNECTING with your future.

Dan & Suzie Potter