Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie
Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie
Just Live Podcast 56 - Intentional Connections 15 - WRAP UP
Just Live Podcast 56 - Intentional Connections 15 - WRAP UP
By Dan & Suzie Potter
For the last 14 weeks we have focused on INTENTIONAL CONNECTIONS, especially for couples. It is always a great time to have a date!
We have WRAPED UP this mini series by taking you through 30 great ideas that we have created, tried and enjoyed. It is now your turn to get connected by giving them a try,
Thank you for taking time to Intentionally Connect.
Get your FREE resource called "IN30 Challenge" (Intentional 30-day Challenge), including a list of 30 & 60 intentional connection ideas here.
To watch this Just Live Podcast on video go to the DUZIE POTTER YouTube channel
To listen click on Just Live Podcast 56
To find out more about our Seasons of Life journey for Couples to Grow your Unique Couple Connection please contact with us at DUZIE.com or by email: connect@duzie.com
Thank you for INTENTIONALLY CONNECTING with each other.
Dan & Suzie Potter