Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie
Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie
Just Live Podcast 030 - How do you know what areas you need MOMENTUM in?
Just Live Podcast 030 - How do you know what areas you need MOMENTUM in?
By Dan & Suzie Potter
"Fill up your Life Tanks" is an expression that means to do the things that will bring LIFE, fulfillment, and inner peace into your whole person. It reminds you that in addition to taking care of your physical needs, such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep, it's equally important to nourish your mental, spiritual, emotional and relational well-being.
There are many different ways to fill up your Life Tanks, depending on your interests and preferences. Some people find that spending time in nature, practicing meditation, listening to music, reading, or spending time with loved ones creates your wholeness. Others may find that pursuing creative hobbies, volunteering, or practicing self-care activities such as taking a relaxing bath or getting a massage can help take your from empty to full.
Whatever activities bring you a sense of peace, worth, belonging and fulfillment, it's important to make time for them in your life.
Momentum is your life moving forward, towards what your being desires, but where to start?
Do you know what areas of your life right now need MOMENTUM? Don't panic if you can't answer the question, most people can't, because they don't understand their LIFE TANKS.
As we said, you have 5 tanks that release energy to you, so you can launch your MOMENTUM forward. Your 5 main tanks are Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Relational. You may also add Other to include something specific for your wellbeing.
The Tanks are all unique, yet they fill and drain each other continually because they are connected. When you are in a state of MOMENTUM you are able not only have your tanks full, but flow out to enable others also to Live Fully Alive with MOMENTUM.
If you need any help we have a coaching program called "MOMENTUM CHALLENGE 90" that will help you FILL UP and MOVE FORWARD. Let us know how we can help you keep moving.