Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast 042 - How can Couples be Intentional in their Connections?

Dan & Suzie Potter . . . DUZIE Season 1 Episode 42

Just Live Podcast 042 - How can Couples be Intentional in their Connections?
by Dan & Suzie Potter

This summer we are walking and talking through what it means to BE INTENTIONAL in your relationships, especially as a couple. As a result of each episode we hope you will try, enjoy and allow yourselves to grow your Unique Connections. 

The first INTENTIONAL CONNECTION is to have a formal (or not so formal) Candlelight Meal.  Make it a special day, so get dressed up or very comfortable and have an intentional meal with lights dimmed or out and only a candle burning.  Spend the meal looking at each other through the glimmer of the candle and brag about them to them. Please leave the phones and other noise makers in the other room, except perhaps a lite touch of smooth jazz or it's equal.

Take time to create the following:

  • Intimacy & Ambience
  • Relaxation & Stress Reduction
  • Sensory Stimulation (Sight, Smell, etc.)
  • Communication & Connection
  • Emotional Impact

Thank you for taking time to light a candle as you create your Intentional Connection.

Get your  FREE resource called "IN30 Challenge" (Intentional 30-day Challenge) , including a list of 30 & 60 intentional connection ideas here.

To find out more about our Seasons of Life journey for Couples to Grow your Unique Couple Connection please contact with us at DUZIE.com or by email: connect@duzie.com

Thank you for INTENTIONALLY CONNECTING with each other.

Dan & Suzie Potter